Returning to the Absolute Source - Vol. 58


The more we follow the inward pull toward our center and let go of whatever we are holding onto, the easier it is to come into spiritual clarity. In this illuminating satsang, Adyashanti shows how entering our dark, unknown inner being reveals multi-faceted qualities of our true nature. Distinguishing between personal and transpersonal presence, he invites us beyond both to the infinite void where we return to the absolute source of existence.

Topics Include:

  • The Season of Returning
  • The Aliveness of Darkness
  • Personal and Transpersonal Presence
  • The Infinite Pregnant Void
  • It’s Not about Succeeding
  • True Forgiveness

Quotes from This DVD:

“If you keep going back to source, you may experience a gap, a limbo zone, where there is no quality of experience at all.”

“You can feel personal presence without taking it personally.”

“True freedom is to be free from the desire to be free of anything.”

Recorded in Palo Alto, CA, on November 7, 2010.